
Tradition: Polished Black/Brown Fine Ware
Group: Surlo
Type: Ardilla Incised and Excised
Variety: Ardilla
Phase: Acbi/Coner Transition, Early Coner, Late Coner

The majority of Ardilla vessels were large, shallow dishes with flaring walls and a flat base. The surface treatment is very distinctive for the Ardilla Incised and Excised. The exterior has been broadly incised/gouged with motifs after the material has dried and hardened. The motifs varied. There are hieroglyphs, pseudoglyphs, recti- and curvilinear elements, and interwoven bands. The interior was very well polished, but not decorated. The surface color ranged from a reddish brown to dark brown or grey.

Tradition: Polished Black/Brown Fine Ware
Group: Surlo
Type: Madrugada Modeled-Carved
Variey: Madrugada
Phase: Acbi/Coner Transition, Early Coner, Late Coner

The majority of the Madrugada vessels found were tall and cylindrical. Other forms include open bowls, composite silhouette bowls and hemispherical bowls. Designs were carved on the exterior surface far enough down to allow a plain band along the rim. Designs were typically hieroglyphs. The interior surfaces were normally self-slipped or slipped with an orange-brown color, and polished.